NMC Maladministration

This blog details my experiences of professional regulators (for example, Nursing & Midwifery Council / NMC) as well as government departments (Department of Work & Pensions / DWP) or their third party contractors (MaximusUK or CHDA).
I am a vulnerable / disabled person as defined by the Equality Act. I have encountered a multitude of repeated failings during the last few years by all these departments. I now intend to blog about them, pasting the entirety of my complaints / concerns online in addition to my annotations.

NMC – Nursing & Midwifery Council

In dealing with the NMC, I have found various instances of maladministration. These are:

  • Ignoring complaints The NMC have been consistent in ignoring concerns and complaints. <***Link to page here listing past correspondence with NMC and pointing out the number of complaints and concerns they ignored>  There are many examples showing NMC routinely ignoring complaints from that link, from 2017 up until present date. These are not small complaints, but multiple large detrimental complaints which have been ignored, an example of one is outlined below in NMC ignoring vital evidence. This seems to be a systemic problem in NMC ignoring complaints and concerns, from 2017 up until present date 2020 as you can see from the link provided.
  • Ignoring vital evidence (2017) Following on from the above, the NMC ignored vital evidence which should have been regarded. This evidence formed the crux of my fitness to practise referral, the evidence was by way of an oral recording of a medical assessment in comparison to that of the written medical report. <***Link to page listing evidence sent, evidence ignored, page must also include the NMC telephone notes showing how many times I reiterated about said evidence, such notes are from telephone templates SAR, in 2017)  Need also link to complaint reference post where NMC tells me there is no credible evidence, VS the amount of times I told them about the evidence existing.
  • Ignoring vital evidence (2020)  In relation to another new referral, further evidence was sent in 2018/19? (need check registered / recorded post slip). This evidence is not only a recording showing the nurses lies (or, for want of a better phrase falsifying medical information) but also has a letter from the DWP which notes some but not all of the nurses lies. (Although DWP did not say lies, was phrased as inaccuracies)  NMC claims in 2020 to not have received this new additional evidence and they also claim I had not provided consent for the referral (despite the fact that I had told them I had previously sent in consent via paperwork, also despite the fact that again, in August 2020 I had provided consent via email.
  • Ignoring data requests / GDPR A catalogue of failed data requests. this is in respect of Freedom Of Information (FOI) requests as well as Data Subject Access Requests (DSAR / SAR)  from 2017 up until present date, 2020.  <***Link to page here showing evidence>
  • Ignoring GDPR legislation – no due diligence shown  In respect of failed Data Subject Access Request, the data manager / DPO writes to me informing me that NMC are aware of the request I had made in August 2020, that they are aware I have not received this request as of October 2020 and invites me to make a new Subject Access Request if I want, so it can be logged and processed.  They were also aware that it was my intention to submit an N1 claim form so they could give me the SAR. Clearly, a lack of due diligence.
  • Ignoring distressed / alarmed person after a data breach An inaccurate complaint response was received which led me to believe that my data was in the hands of unauthorised recipients. Despite my several contacts via email and phone during that week, notifying the NMC I was alarmed and worried in the fact my data is missing, nobody could tell me any information. I was assured twice by managers and other call handlers that I would receive a phone call with information as to where the data is, no such phone call happened.  Upon complaint of this, I was again assured I would receive a phone call from DPO, again, no phone call was received.  The only person to reassure me was a manager who informed me on 2 occasions that I would receive phone call in regards to lost data. The manager herself could not give me any further information.  Upon the time where she was in the position to give me further information and did so, I asked if she obtained the information from the DPO and she said yes. This information was wrong. I explained to her why it was wrong.
    Therefore, the maladministration in this instance is compounded by the fact that even upon final investigation of a data breach, the outcome of it is that the NMC were willing to provide me again with inaccurate information as to the breach. The NMC did accept my version of events – this outcome just shows that even after a data breach, the investigation would have again been inaccurate had I not informed the manager of the reasons of its inaccuracy.
  • Failing to provide any reason as to why the NMC has spent 2 years doing nothing, apart from investigating the wrong person  –  This (up until the time of data breach complaint was my main complaint along with 2 other elements, all of which were ignored. <***Link to complaints response plus annotations for evidence>  As you can see from that link, the complaint was totally ignored, no substantive response was provided to any of the 3 elements of the complaint. Furthermore, they decided to respond to other complaints I was not interested in, one of which they predict the future by stating I had received my SAR already, within the future. The other 3 dates mentioned in complaints response were also all incorrect. One of these dates caused me to believe that unauthorised recipient had access to my data.
  • Safeguarding issues 2017/2018 Despite NMC previously in a response telling me that there was no credible evidence for my ftp referral and me informing them that credible evidence exists and has been verified by other medical professionals that it is credible evidence, NMC failed to investigate and failed to respond to my concerns in this matter. (***Link to my complaints response here). As you can see, this was in 2017/2018, will update correct date once link made.
  • Safeguarding issues 2020  I have exhaustingly reiterated my safeguarding concerns to various people via phone, in addition to email. NMC has spent 2 years wasting time investigate a nurse, in August 2020 I was informed of this plus the fact that NMC consider I have not given consent, despite consent being sent and replied to via email in August 2020 that I provide consent to disclose my referral.
    As there are issues regarding consent, NMC stating they have not received my paper consent from 2 years ago and ignoring that I had sent consent via email in August 2020, all ignored.
    NMC requires that I provide consent albeit in reasonable ways, but in ways I can not perform. For example, in discussion with them I informed NMC I am not able to go to post office, therefore their advice was for me to print out form and send photo of it back to them with signature. I live in modern world and do not have access to a printer.  I am having to wait in order for a family member to do this for me.
    Regardless of the consent, I have put it to NMC in an argument that they should investigate my referral whether I provide consent or not, this is based on the fact that there are 2 pieces of evidence to show the nurse was lying, one being an oral recording VS the medical report, the second being a document from DWP listing some but not all of the inaccuracies. Therefore, essentially, NMC is aware that this nurse is still probably working with vulnerable adults despite the fact that they know evidence exists from government department which shows the nurse to be unfit for purpose (lies), and this evidence has also been verified by other medical professionals as being unfit for purpose.  NMC were supposed to be investigating this the last 2 years, they now insist on consent to investigate. Given the seriousness of the complaint and the evidence which can not be disputed as is verified by other medical professionals as well as the DWP to be unfit for purpose (lies) then it is quite alarming that NMC has let this nurse remain in her role with vulnerable members of the public for 2 years.
    Even disregarding the 2 or so years in which NMC were supposed to be investigating this referral, upon NMC realising the error and then telling me a new investigation / referral would be made, this was in August, at the time of writing it is now October and it is no further forward.
    Based on the above, it is my opinion that NMC are blatantly and deliberately ignoring their own safeguarding policy. They have evidence of a nurses lies, or can easily obtain evidence of the nurses lies and act accordingly.

Further examples and better website will be made soon, also links to complaint responses will be made in the above to serve as my evidence that NMC has, for 3 years and even after the intervention of PSA continued to treat vulnerable disabled people with disregard.