Discrimination & Dishonesty


In relation to the referral I made to the NMC along with irrefutable evidence that the nurse had wrote inaccurate data, the response from NMC is that the nurse is not dishonest.

I fail to see how various inaccuracies are not considered by the NMC to be dishonest.
Not only various inaccuracies, but the entirety of the report was inaccurate.  I fail to see why the NMC considers this to not be dishonest.
In addition to the entirety of the report being inaccurate, there are also blatant lies, for example I stated what medication I was taking and the nurse reported I was not taking any medication.  I fail to see why the NMC considers this to not be dishonest.
Furthermore, the entirety of the report attempted to paint a different opposite picture to that of the facts.  Again, I fail to see why the NMC considers this to not be dishonest.

Incidentally, within the “investigation”, the NMC in its table of findings were dishonest themselves in their attempt to water-down my complaint.  The NMC did this by stating that the nurse recorded what medication I was taking.  The fact is that the nurse did not do this, NMC have in my opinion lied in an attempt to mitigate my complaint.

Medical professionals have seen the response from NMC and all have agreed it is unfit for purpose.

So the NMC state that a nurse is not dishonest despite the NMC seeing clear irrefutable evidence that the nurse made inaccurate data as well as blatant lies. 

If you contrast my referral with other comparable referrals, it can be seen that other nurses have either been struck off or restrictions placed on their work.  There are a number of referrals that show this.  It is therefore my opinion that the NMC have discriminated against me.

It seems that the NMC have not adhered to their mantra of “lessons learned” as they are still carrying on in their discriminatory derisory approach with referrals if the referral is linked to DWP.. Previously, the Professional Standards Authority intervened in relation to DWP referrals, however, NMC are still carrying on discriminating against any DWP referrals.



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