
Government Legal Department

Open letter to Government Legal Department From 2015 onwards, DWP has contacted me by phone on numerous occasions despite my multiple requests that they refrain...


NMC failing to investigate despite evidence from retired Policeman

An NHS whistleblower was let down by his hospital trust, the NHS regulators & the NMC (Nursing & Midwifery Council) whose purpose is to...

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Government Legal Department

Open letter to Government Legal Department From 2015 onwards, DWP has contacted me by phone on numerous occasions despite my multiple requests that they refrain...

NMC Complaints / Concerns / Referral communication trail

June 7th, 2017 - Email sent to NMC (below) outlining that NMC had failed in a reasonable adjustment request in addition to refuting the...

Discrimination & Dishonesty

In relation to the referral I made to the NMC along with irrefutable evidence that the nurse had wrote inaccurate data, the response from...

NMC referral response (draft)

The Referral - NMC response with my annotations in blue 1. Mr. X first contacted the NMC to make a referral about registered nurse Bethan...

NMC feedback – Taking account of context

The NMC write: When people raise concerns about a nurse, midwife or nursing associate's fitness to practise, it's our responsibility to act in the way...

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Government Legal Department

Open letter to Government Legal Department From 2015 onwards, DWP has contacted me by phone on numerous occasions despite my multiple requests that they refrain...